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Blue Sensor Elektroden P-00-S - Nassgel-Ektroden für den Kurzzeitgebrauch Ambu® BlueSensor P-00-S - Wet gel electrodes...
The large Blue Sensor P has a special gel sensor combination with very high conductivity and a large measuring surface. Blue Sensor electrodes P-00-S offer easy handling and optimum signal quality. For BERA / ERA measurements and ECG....
Order number: 2-73500001
From €15.95 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Ambu® BlueSensor N-00-S/25 - sehr kleine Nassgel-Elektroden Ambu® BlueSensor N-00-S/25 - very small wet gel...
Ambu® BlueSensor N-00-S/25 are particularly suitable for children. For ABR and ERA measurements, sleep diagnostics and sleep therapy, and ECG. Sensor material: silver / silver chloride. Wet gel electrode with push button. Shelf life with...
Order number: 2-73500007
From €18.15 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Ambu® Neuroline 72000 S - Nassgelelektrode für Langzeit Ambu® Neuroline 72000 S - wet gel electrode for...
Ambu® Neuroline 72000 S is the ideal wet gel electrode for long-term use. Recommended for brain stem audiometry BERA / ERA measurements, electromyography measurements EMG, polysomnography PSG and ECG. Recommended by Interacoustics for...
Order number: 2-73500006
From €21.90 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Nassgel-Elektroden Ag/AgCl mit dezentralem Druckknopf Wet gel electrodes with offset connector
Clinical Wet Gel Electrodes for BERA / ERA measurements and ECG. High-quality Ag/AgCL wet gel electrodes with offset connector for short-term use. Suitable for all common BERA types, also for ECG. The proven SKINTACT wet gel electrodes...
Order number: 2-73500012
From €16.90 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

SKINTACT Gel-Elektroden FS-RB5 mit Bananenstecker-Kupplung SKINTACT Gel Electrodes FS-RB5 with Banana Plug...
SKINTACT Gel Electrodes FS-RB5. High-quality Ag/AgCL liquid gel electrodes for short-term use. With 4 mm banana plug coupling. Suitable for ECG. Excellent discharge quality: The adhesive and conductive Aqua-Tac hydrogel of the SKINTACT...
Order number: 2-73500004
From €10.00 *

Delivery time ca. 3-4 Workdays

snap Druckknopf-Elektroden, Einmal-Elektroden für Kurzzeitgebrauch Snap pushbutton electrodes, disposable...
"snap" electrodes. Disposable electrodes for short-term applications. Connection: push button. Recommended for screening applications by manufacturer Interacoustics for Eclipse ABRIS. Also for screening with Accuscreen, Eclipse ABRIS,...
Order number: 2-73500009
€71.40 *

Ready to ship today,
Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Kendall H59P Stoffelektrode für BERA/ENG mit Hydrogel und Ag/AgCl Sensor Kendall H59P fabric electrode for ABR/ENG with...
Kendall™ repositionable fabric electrode. This Kendall™ electrode contains a full-surface conductive adhesive hydrogel that is highly adhesive, yet gentle on sensitive skin when removed. This solid gel - electrode is suitable for AEP...
Order number: 2-73500017
€28.50 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Ambu® WhiteSensor 0315M Diagnose-Elektroden mit Tab-Anschluß Ambu® WhiteSensor 0315M diagnostic electrodes...
The WhiteSensor 0315M is equipped with fixed gel and offers practical handling with its 10 electrodes per carrier. The electrode design prevents the electrode from detaching to the greatest possible extent, even if the cable adapter is...
Order number: 2-73500018
From €8.75 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Skintact RT-34 Easitab-Anschluß - Diagnose-Elektroden für Ruhe-EKG Skintact RT-34 Easitab connection - Diagnostic...
These electrodes are no longer available in the evidENT Shop. As an alternative, we offer the Ambu® WhiteSensor 0315M diagnostic electrodes. These correspond in all properties to the SKINTACT RT-34 diagnostic electrodes for resting ECG....
Order number: 2-73500008
From €8.75 *

Delivery time approx. 20 working days

Ambu® WhiteSensor 4535M Einweg EKG-Elektrode Ambu® WhiteSensor 4535M - ECG Electrode -...
The Ambu WhiteSensor 4535M features a wet gel with good adhesion to ensure a good signal quality during short-term ECG monitoring applications. Thanks to the flexible foam backing material, the electrode ensures ease of use and comfort...
Order number: 2-73500013
From €16.90 *

Ready to ship today,
Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Ambu® WhiteSensor 40713 EKG-Elektroden Ambu® WhiteSensor 40713 ECG electrodes
The Ambu WhiteSensor 40713 is a skin-friendly small fixed gel electrode for children and slim adults with stable ECG transmission. Thanks to its breathable fabric material, the electrode offers a high level of wearing comfort during the...
Order number: 2-73500019
From €2.80 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Ambu® WhiteSensor WSP25 EKG-Elektroden Ambu® WhiteSensor WSP25 ECG electrodes
The small Ambu WhiteSensor WSP25-00-S/50 offers a highly conductive solid gel with very good adhesive properties and stable signal quality for pediatric use. Thanks to its flexible foam material and drop-shaped design, the electrode...
Order number: 2-73500025
€14.10 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Tyco / Kendall EKG-Festgel-Elektrode H124SG Kendall H124SG - ECG Electrode - Single Use
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 Kendall\f1™ H124SG from Cardinal Health is...
Order number: 2-73500015
€14.10 *

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

3M Skin Prep Abrasionsband 2236 zur Hautvorbereitung 3M Skin Prep Abrasion Band 2236 for skin...
The 3M™ Skin Prep Abrasion Band is used for optimal and gentle skin preparation for the best possible drainage quality. The abrasion band is a gentle abrasive material for removing the upper non-conductive skin layer. Thus it enables a...
Order number: 2-70500009
From €17.55 *

Ready to ship today,
Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

Merz Medizintechnik Bestellkatalog 2019 Order Catalogue 2024
Would you like to have an overview of our product range offline? Simply order our catalogue 2024 free of charge. There you will find a comprehensive range of accessories, spare parts and consumables for audiometry, ERA/BERA, OAE, VNG,...
Order number: 2-99999999
€0.00 *

Delivery time ca. 1-2 Workdays
